Thursday 24 January 2013

How to Grow Syngonium alias Arrowhead

 The arrowhead vine makes a pretty trailing or climbing vine that tends to aggressive growth under the right conditions. Sometimes mislabeled as Nephthytis, the arrowhead vine is a tropical climber in the Arum (or aroid) family. Many varieties have variegated leaves to one degree or another, and like many aroids, the plants leaf structure changes as it matures, going from a simple arrow shape to a deeply lobed or divided mature leaf.

Growing Conditions:

Light: Bright light but no direct sun. Variegated types can handle more direct sun, while deeper green varieties can handle partial shade.
Water: Spray frequently to maintain high humidity. Keep soil continuously moist throughout spring and summer, and reduce watering in the winter, but don't let it dry out.
Temperature: Prefers warm and humid conditions. Keep above 60ºF if possible.
Soil: Rich, well-drained potting mix.
Fertilizer: Feed regularly with liquid fertilizer throughout growing season.


Syngonium root readily from stem cuttings and can easily be propagated in the spring or summer months. If your plant has aerial roots along the stem, take a section of stem with attached roots to increase your odds of success.


Syngonium are aggressive, rapid-growing vines, so the frequency of repotting depends somewhat on how big you want the vine to get. Repot yearly for a larger vine. Otherwise, refresh potting media every spring and repot every other year.


There are more than 30 species of Syngonium vines native to tropical America. The one most commonly seen in cultivation, however, is S. podophyllum and its many varieties. Breeders have created plants with striking variegation along leaf veins. Juvenile leaves are simply arrows, while mature leaves can be up to a foot long and have five or more lobes. Variegated plants tend to lose their variegation as they age.

Grower's Tips:

These plants will thrive under the same conditions as the related philodendron. They are climbers in the wild and will eventually grow from shade into full sun in the canopy, with leaves maturing and gaining size as the plant gains altitude. In the home, these are often used as trailing plants or can be trained up a pole or moss stick. They are perfect for a sunroom or greenhouse conservatory where ample heat, light and humidity will encourage their tropical nature.


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