Sunday, 3 February 2013

How to plant chillies in pot or polybags

How to plant chillies in pot or polybags

Go green :) and having fun to plant.

How to plant chili in a pot or polybag
In this opportunity I will explain How to plant chili organically but will only have a narrow area. Chilli cultivation in a polybag or a pot is the solution. Chilli crop that thrives in pots can be used as a decoration or a patio home page. In addition to getting our yard trimmer also benefit from the harvest of chilli fruit itself.

Chili thriving organically we can use to cook their own purposes and the rest can be divided into neighbors. Even if we plant hundreds polybag we can sell our crops. If we grow the right way, the production of organic chilli cultivation in polybags not inferior to that grown on the land. Precisely organic chilli plant in a polybag or pot easier management in terms of fertilization and pest control.
The things we need to prepare before we plant organic chillies in pots or polybag is:
  • Polybags or pots that are not too small a minimum diameter of 25 cm, that chili should be at least greater than 35 cm.
  • Planting medium soil mixed with organic fertilizer with a ratio of 1: 1
  • A bucket and dipper / yells.
  • Handsprayer
  • Seed chilies
  • Organic Pesticides (some have maspary wrote in the last article)
  • liquid organic fertilizer such as agro Solbi, we can also use the MOL / local microorganisms.
to plant chillies in pot or polybags can follow this step :
  1. First seedlings chilli seeds that we have prepared. Chilli seeds we can buy at the farm stall or make your own with a nice chilli sorting, we take the seeds and then we dry aired. Seeding can be done in pots, polybags or jars and other containers.
  2. While waiting for chilli seeds ready should we prepare media seedlings in polybags or pots. Do not forget our soil mixed with organic fertilizer with a ratio of 1: 1. After that our media flush with liquid fertilizer.
  3. After five leaves (approximately 3-5 weeks of age) to plant chilli in a polybag or potting media that we have prepared. 2-3 days before we planted the seeds of chilli growing media in polybags should we flush with MOL solution until wet.
  4. After we plant should polybag / pot we put in the shade until approximately 1 week, and then we put on the site to full light. Do not place the shade on, later chilli plants will experience etiolase (long and limp but little fruit).
  5. Take care chilli plants carefully, flush if the land is dry and at least 1 week once we flush with MOL and we spray the pesticide plant that could easily be our own.
  6. Remove water shoots / buds that grow under the first branch.
  7. Observe the presence of pests and diseases, if there is an attack symptoms should quickly be overcome by mechanical means (we take pest and affected leaves, and we separate the plants healthy and the sick to be easy in the management of pests and diseases). If the dry season leaves should be watered frequently to reduce the attack ticks, otherwise if when the rainy season should we cut our chilli plants that are not too dense.
  8. At last time wait until the fruiting chilli plants and we can learn and we enjoy spiciness.
That’s a little written about How to plant chillies in pot or polybags.
Go green (^ _ ^)


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